Metactf 2021 - Crypto
CTF Name : MetaCTF 2021 (Dec 5)
Category : Cryptography #5
This Writeup involves Easy level challenges (Beginner Friendly) Pure Beginner Friendly Challenges
1. Size Matters
Ciphertext: 0x2526512a4abf23fca755defc497b9ab
e: 257
n: 0x592f144c0aeac50bdf57cf6a6a6e135
- RSA Decoder in dcode.fr
Flag : MetaCTF{you_broke_rsa!}
2. A to Z
- Just an Alphabetical substitution
Flag : bashful_is_my_fav_dwarf
3. Wrong Way on a One Way Street
- crackstation.net
Flag : babyloka13
4. Unbreable Encryption
Ciphertext ( c1): 4fd098298db95b7f1bc205b0a6d8ac15f1f821d72fbfa979d1c2148a24feaafdee8d3108e8ce29c3ce1291
Plaintext (p1): hey let's rob the bank at midnight tonight!
Ciphertext (c2) : 41d9806ec1b55c78258703be87ac9e06edb7369133b1d67ac0960d8632cfb7f2e7974e0ff3c536c1871b
key =
key = c1 xor p
p2 = c2 xor key
Thats all
5. Tq For The pwd
Just a Base64
echo TWV0YUNURntlbmNvZGluZ19pc19OMFRfdGhlX3NhbWVfYXNfZW5jcnlwdGlvbiEhfQ==|base64 -d
Flag : MetaCTF{encoding_is_N0T_the_same_as_encryption!!}
Thanks For reading - Team TamilCTF